Call for Papers: Utrecht December 2018

From the Thomas Institute at the Tilburg School of Catholic Theology (the Netherlands) comes a Call for Papers for an International Conference entitled: “Initiation and Mystagogy in Thomas Aquinas: Theological, Philosophical, Liturgical, and Pedagogical Perspectives” to be held December 13-15, 2018 in Utrecht (the Netherlands). Keynote speakers include Bernard Blankenhorn O.P., Matthew Levering and Daria Spezzano. Those interested in presenting a paper should submit an abstract (including a title, a summary of their proposed paper, and their institutional affiliation) to by March 1st, 2018. Notification of acceptance will be given by April 15, 2018. For further information please check the website of the Thomas Institute,, or download the PDF

Person, Soul, & Consciousness - Berkeley Dominicans, Summer 2017


The Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology is hosting its 2nd Triennial Dominican Colloquium in Berkeley on the intersection between Philosophy & Theology July 12-15, 2017; the theme will be Person, Soul and Consciousness. Philosophers and Theologians will engage this topic exploring questions of contemporary importance. The event will involve a significant engagement with the thought of St. Thomas, as the list of plenary-session speakers suggests: Lawrence Feingold, Thomas Hünefeldt, Steven Long, Nancey Murphy, David Oderberg, Ted Peters, Markus Rothhaar, Richard Schenk, OP, D.C. Schindler, Michael Sherwin, OP, Eleonore Stump, and Thomas Weinandy, OFM. Cap. The deadline for the Call for Papers is in March, 2017. A $500 award is available to the best graduate student submission. More information is available at Sponsored by the DSPT and the Friars of the Dominican Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus (Western USA).

Upcoming Conference: 52nd International Congress of Medieval Studies

The 52nd International Congress of Medieval Studies will be held at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan, from May 11th to the 14th, 2017.

The Kalamazoo conference is the largest congress for Medieval Studies in the world.  The cost of room and board is quite moderate, and the atmosphere is congenial to those interested in Aquinas.

There will be a total of 6 sessions devoted to Medieval philosophical and theological thought, especially that of Aquinas, sponsored by:

  • The Center for Thomistic Studies, c/o S.J. Jensen, Center for Thomistic Studies, University of St. Thomas (TX), 3800 Montrose, Houston, TX77006-4696. FAX: (713) 942-3464. email: Three sessions will be devoted to any topic about the philosophy of Aquinas, his sources, or contemporary applications of his thought.
  • The Thomas Aquinas Society, c/o John F. Boyle, Department of Catholic Studies, 55-S, University of St. Thomas, 2115 Summit Ave, St. Paul, MN 55105.  Fax: (651) 962-5710, email: For these three sessions, proposals on any topic dealing with Aquinas are welcome.

Those interested in submitting proposals for papers may send them to either Dr. Steven Jensen or Dr. John Boyle. The submission details:

  • Papers are 20 minutes in length
  • Paper submissions must include a 300 word abstract and a completed Participant Information Form (which may be downloaded here).
  • The Deadline for submissions is September 15, 2016.

Be sure to act quickly if you wish to have your proposal considered!  



Memorial Symposium for Fr. Lawrence Dewan, O.P. (November 5-7, 2015, Ottawa, Ontario)

Dominican University College has issued a call for papers for an upcoming memorial symposium for Fr. Lawrence Dewan, O. P.:

"The Philosophy of Lawrence Dewan: Metaphysics and Ethics. Professor Lawrence Dewan, O.P., enriched the areas of Thomistic metaphysics, natural philosophy and ethics for over forty years. With the outstanding lucidity, depth and comprehensiveness of his work, Father Dewan’s research has become a point of reference for scholars working on various aspects of the legacy of Thomas Aquinas. The specific theme of the Metaphysics and Ethics symposium is intended in part to elicit thinking on the personal contribution of Father Lawrence Dewan to both areas of philosophical research."

On a related note, a memorial notice for Fr. Dewan written by Steven Baldner was just published in The Review of Metaphysics.


December 2015 conference in Utrecht: call for papers

In from Harm Goris is news of a December, 2015 conference in Utrecht on "The Virtuous Life: Thomas Aquinas on the theological nature of moral virtues." The conference takes place from 16–19 December 2015, and abstract submissions are due by June 1, 2015. Here's a short scrape from the conference's site:

The teachings of the moral part of Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae continue to inspire and to enlighten theologians and ethicists. Especially for those who are interested in a specifically Christian account of human moral and spiritual life, Aquinas’ ethical investigations in the Summa are an inexhaustible source. In his rich and detailed treatment of both the moral and the theological virtues, however, Aquinas fails to explain unambiguously to what extent the Christian faith determines human moral life. As a result, this topic is the subject of an ongoing debate in the literature.

For more information on this excellent opportunity, go to the conference's website.

Aquinas and "the Arabs": CFPs and events for 2013

Call For Papers: 3-4 June 2013, Université de Paris - Sorbonne & Institut Catholique de Paris, “Thomas d’Aquin et ses sources arabes / Aquinas and ‘the Arabs’”.  Call for papers on Aquinas and the Arabic Tradition. Submission deadline 15 February 2013. 
Organizers: J.-B. Brenet, Isabelle Moulin & Richard C. Taylor
Read More

Call for papers: Thomas Instituut Utrecht (Netherlands)

From 11 until 14 december 2013 the ‘Thomas Instituut Utrecht’ will organize its fourth international conference. Previous conferences were devoted to the themes ‘Divine Transcendence and Immanence in Aquinas, 2005), ‘Aquinas as authority, 2000) and ‘Aquinas on Guilt and Forgiveness, 1995), the proceedings of which are are published by Peeters, Leuven.

The 2013 Conference is entitled: “Faith, Hope and Love. Thomas Aquinas on living by the infused virtues”.

Check out their call for papers here.

Proposals should be send to the director Prof. Henk Schoot (h.j.m.schoot[AT] before March 1, 2013.


Jörgen Vijgen

DR. JÖRGEN VIJGEN holds academic appointments in Medieval and Thomistic Philosophy at several institutions in the Netherlands. His dissertation, “The status of Eucharistic accidents ‘sine subiecto’: An Historical Trajectory up to Thomas Aquinas and selected reactions,” was written under the direction of Fr. Walter Senner, O.P. at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome, Italy and published in 2013 by Akademie Verlag (now De Gruyter) in Berlin, Germany.

Call for Papers: International Congress on Medieval Studies (May 10-13, 2012)

The call for papers is out for the 47th International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, MI. This year’s conference will be held May 10-13, 2012. Planned sessions on Aquinas are: 

  • Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Thomas Aquinas
  • Faith and Certainty: Augustine and Aquinas on the Adequacy of Faith in Understanding God in This Life 

Other notable sessions include: 

  • New Trends in Medieval Franciscan Thought: Bonaventure’s Epistemology and Aesthetics
  • Natural Law and Political Thought
  • Natural Law and Moral Philosophy
  • Boethius and the Liberal Arts
  • The Philosophy and Theology of Nicholas of Cusa
  • Contingency and Necessity in Medieval Philosophy
  • Veniat Pax: Gerson and His Contemporaries on War and Peace 

The submission deadline for paper proposals is September 15th. And, as always, a large assortment of booksellers and publishers will be at the conference.

International Congress on Medieval Studies (Kalamazoo, MI May 12-15, 2011)

When I heard the 2011 International Congress on Medieval Studies was shrinking to offer fewer sessions, I wondered how this change would affect the number of presentations on medieval philosophy and theology. To my surprise, this year’s offerings include a stunning number of talks on Aquinas: 33 on my count. Other presentations can be found on a wide range of medieval thinkers, including Scotus, Durandus, Henry of Ghent, Godfrey of Fontaines, Gerson, Boethius, Cusanus, Anselm, Bonaventure, Giles of Rome, Grosseteste, and Augustine. And, as I mentioned previously, the always-informative annual session “How to Get Published: Advice from Editors and Insiders” should not be missed.

Young Thomist moralist? Submit an abstract.

A group of younger Catholic moralists has been meeting in the past decade, describing itself and its efforts as “New Wine, New Wineskins.” The group has an annual summer meeting on the campus of Notre Dame University (Indiana), and has issued its most recent call for papers. If you meet these general parameters (younger, Catholic, moralist), you might wish to submit an abstract for consideration.

Submitted by: Mark Johnson (Brunello di Montalcino, 1997).