SDP's 2025 ACPA Call for Papers: Esse, Vivere, Intelligere

The Sacra Doctrina Project plans to host two satellite sessions at the 2025 meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association in South Bend, IN (The University of Notre Dame) on October 30-November 2, 2025. The Call for Papers is below. Abstracts of 150-250 words should be e-mailed by July 1 to

International Albertus Magnus Society CFP

The International Albertus Magnus Society (IAMS) would like to sponsor one or more sessions during the International Medieval Congress (IMC), Leeds, UK, from July 7-10, 2025. See:

For 2025 the IMC will have as its theme “Worlds of Learning.” Although individual papers need not address this theme explicitly, nonetheless it offers numerous opportunities for Albertus Magnus scholars. Papers might examine Albert’s role in the creation of the Dominican educational curriculum; the influence of his works through vernacular translations; his reception of Greek, Hebrew, or Arabic sources; and much more. 

The IMC deadline for proposed sessions is September 30, 2024. We invite scholars to submit proposals by September 15, 2024 to Irven M. Resnick ( and Mercedes Rubio ( A proposal requires a title and an abstract not to exceed 100 words. 

Please include your full name; email address; postal address; telephone number; full affiliation details (department, institution); and title (e.g. Dr, Ms, Mr, Professor, etc). Although we would prefer in-person presentations, virtual presentations will also be considered. A ninety-minute session typically offers three papers; each presenter will be allowed 20 minutes, to be followed by 10 minutes of questions and discussion. Papers may be presented in languages other than English, although these may have a more limited audience. It will be necessary to include an abstract in English, nonetheless. 

If you have any questions, please contact either Irven M. Resnick ( and Mercedes Rubio (

SDP’s 2024 ACPA Call for Papers: Male and Female He Created Them

The Sacra Doctrina Project plans to host two satellite sessions at the 2024 meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association in Chicago, Illinois (Nov. 14-17). Abstracts of 150-250 words should be e-mailed by Monday, July 1, 2024 to

SDP's 2023 ACPA Call for Papers: The Human Person

SDP's 2023 ACPA Call for Papers: The Human Person

The Sacra Doctrina Project plans to host two satellite sessions at the 2023 meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association in Houston, Texas (Nov. 16-19). Abstracts of 150-250 words should be e-mailed by May 15 to

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Call for Papers: Sacra Doctrina Project Conference

Announcing the 2022 Conference of The Sacra Doctrina Project (responsible for the maintenance of “Grace and Sanctification: Divine Causality, Human Action, and Supernatural Glory.” June 23-25, 2022 at Thomas Aquinas College - New England. Featuring Steven A. Long and Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P. as keynote speakers, as well as Daria Spezzano and Patrick M. Gardner as plenary sessions.

Call for paper proposals of approximately 300 words by January 1, 2022, or by December 15, 2021 for priority consideration. Submit through the conference webpage. More information below.

Call for Papers: S.M.A.R.T. at Notre Dame, May 2022

The Society for Medieval and Renaissance Thomism (S.M.A.R.T.) is planning a session for the 2022 Notre Dame Conference on Medieval Philosophy to be held 20-22 May 2022 at the University of Notre Dame. S.M.A.R.T. accepts papers on all aspects of Thomism from 1274 to the publication of the Carmelite Cursus Theologiae (1631-1701).

Please send papers and direct enquiries to Domenic D’Ettore at Papers and abstracts received by 30 November 2021 will receive full consideration. Selection preference will be given to complete papers. The submission of an abstract alone should be accompanied by a Curriculum Vitae. A final version of an accepted paper is required by 15 March 2021 in order to facilitate a response paper which will be given during the conference session.

Two Journals Seeking Submissions

Two journals are seeking submissions on topics related to Thomistic Studies: The European Journal for the Study of Thomas Aquinas and Studia Gilsoniana.

Fr. Anton ten Klooster, the Managing Editor of the European Journal for the Study of Thomas Aquinas, has been informing colleagues that his journal is seeking submissions. For information about the journal: Fr. ten Klooster can be reached at

Dr. R. Mary Lemmons, special issue editor for Studia Gilsoniana, is also soliciting papers for the third special edition of Studia Gilsoniana on Thomistic Personalism. The second edition will be out in September with the following four papers: (1) "John Paul II’s Gamble with ‘the Meaning of Life” by Joshua P. Hochschild, (2) “No Meaning For Believers? A Reply To Joshua Hochschild” by Mirela Oliva, (3) “On the Foundational Compatibility of Phenomenology & Thomism” by Daniel C. Wagner, and (4) “Thomas Aquinas on Grace as a Mysterious Kind of Creature” by Elliott Polsky. Dr. Lemmons also noted that the editor-in-chief of Studia Gilsoniana, Fr. Pawel Tarasiewicz, is always looking for excellent submissions. More information about the journal can be found here:,16. For submissions to this special edition, Dr. Lemmons can be reached at

Call for Papers: Society for Thomistic Personalism

The Society for Thomistic Personalism is soliciting abstracts for their satellite session at this year’s meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, held November 18-21, 2021 in St. Louis, Missouri. Consider submitting a brief one-page abstract by e-mailing Dr. R. Mary Lemmons at by July 19th.

The session’s topic is Today’s Crisis and John Paul II. Potential presenters can choose which crisis they wish to address: relativism, American culture, abortion, assisted suicide, the invention of rights, the divorce culture, the rise of Marxism, the threat of democratic totalitarianism, socialism versus free enterprise versus laissez-faire capitalism, gender relativism, rabid secularism, practical atheism, unwed mothers, absent fathers, anti-family feminism, mass migration, et cetera. Abstract proposals are due by July 19.