Call for Papers: S.M.A.R.T. at Notre Dame, May 2022

The Society for Medieval and Renaissance Thomism (S.M.A.R.T.) is planning a session for the 2022 Notre Dame Conference on Medieval Philosophy to be held 20-22 May 2022 at the University of Notre Dame. S.M.A.R.T. accepts papers on all aspects of Thomism from 1274 to the publication of the Carmelite Cursus Theologiae (1631-1701).

Please send papers and direct enquiries to Domenic D’Ettore at Papers and abstracts received by 30 November 2021 will receive full consideration. Selection preference will be given to complete papers. The submission of an abstract alone should be accompanied by a Curriculum Vitae. A final version of an accepted paper is required by 15 March 2021 in order to facilitate a response paper which will be given during the conference session.

Two Journals Seeking Submissions

Two journals are seeking submissions on topics related to Thomistic Studies: The European Journal for the Study of Thomas Aquinas and Studia Gilsoniana.

Fr. Anton ten Klooster, the Managing Editor of the European Journal for the Study of Thomas Aquinas, has been informing colleagues that his journal is seeking submissions. For information about the journal: Fr. ten Klooster can be reached at

Dr. R. Mary Lemmons, special issue editor for Studia Gilsoniana, is also soliciting papers for the third special edition of Studia Gilsoniana on Thomistic Personalism. The second edition will be out in September with the following four papers: (1) "John Paul II’s Gamble with ‘the Meaning of Life” by Joshua P. Hochschild, (2) “No Meaning For Believers? A Reply To Joshua Hochschild” by Mirela Oliva, (3) “On the Foundational Compatibility of Phenomenology & Thomism” by Daniel C. Wagner, and (4) “Thomas Aquinas on Grace as a Mysterious Kind of Creature” by Elliott Polsky. Dr. Lemmons also noted that the editor-in-chief of Studia Gilsoniana, Fr. Pawel Tarasiewicz, is always looking for excellent submissions. More information about the journal can be found here:,16. For submissions to this special edition, Dr. Lemmons can be reached at

Call for Papers: Aquinas at Kalamazoo

The Center for Thomistic Studies and the Thomas Aquinas Society, under the leadership of Steven Jensen and John Boyle, respectively, have announced a call for papers for their six sessions at the 2020 International Congress for Medieval Studies. The Congress is held every May at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan. These sessions are devoted to Medieval theology and philosophy, especially that in the Thomistic tradition and found in the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas himself. For consideration, submit a 300-word abstract to and to by September 15, 2019.

Call for Papers: Fr. Dewan Symposium

Dominican University College in Ottawa is hosting its annual Symposium from Thursday, September 19 to Friday, September 20 in honor of the great Dominican scholar, Fr. Lawrence Dewan. Fr. Dewan was an incredibly gifted teacher whose impact on the study Thomistic metaphysics, natural philosophy, and ethics cannot be overstated. This year’s Symposium takes as its theme, The Study of Philosophy, and will feature Gregory T. Doolan as its keynote speaker. “The specific theme of The Study of Philosophy is intended in part to elicit thinking on the personal contribution of Father Lawrence Dewan to Thomistic philosophical thinking.” The organizers have issued a call for papers in either English or French, requesting full-page abstracts to be submitted to by Friday, August 2. More information can be found on the Symposium webpage here.

Call for Papers: Thomas Aquinas & the Crisis of Christology

The Aquinas Center for Theological Renewal (at Ave Maria University) and the Thomistic Institute (at the Dominican House of Studies) are teaming up once again for a February 2020 academic conference to be held in Ave Maria. This year’s theme is, “Thomas Aquinas and the Crisis of Christology.” The Sacra Doctrina Project’s own Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P., will be featured as one of two keynote speakers.

A call for papers is open, but the deadline for abstracts is August 1, 2019. More information can be found on AMU’s Graduate Theology blog and at the Ave Conferences page.

Call for Papers: Utrecht December 2018

From the Thomas Institute at the Tilburg School of Catholic Theology (the Netherlands) comes a Call for Papers for an International Conference entitled: “Initiation and Mystagogy in Thomas Aquinas: Theological, Philosophical, Liturgical, and Pedagogical Perspectives” to be held December 13-15, 2018 in Utrecht (the Netherlands). Keynote speakers include Bernard Blankenhorn O.P., Matthew Levering and Daria Spezzano. Those interested in presenting a paper should submit an abstract (including a title, a summary of their proposed paper, and their institutional affiliation) to by March 1st, 2018. Notification of acceptance will be given by April 15, 2018. For further information please check the website of the Thomas Institute,, or download the PDF

Upcoming Conference: 52nd International Congress of Medieval Studies

The 52nd International Congress of Medieval Studies will be held at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan, from May 11th to the 14th, 2017.

The Kalamazoo conference is the largest congress for Medieval Studies in the world.  The cost of room and board is quite moderate, and the atmosphere is congenial to those interested in Aquinas.

There will be a total of 6 sessions devoted to Medieval philosophical and theological thought, especially that of Aquinas, sponsored by:

  • The Center for Thomistic Studies, c/o S.J. Jensen, Center for Thomistic Studies, University of St. Thomas (TX), 3800 Montrose, Houston, TX77006-4696. FAX: (713) 942-3464. email: Three sessions will be devoted to any topic about the philosophy of Aquinas, his sources, or contemporary applications of his thought.
  • The Thomas Aquinas Society, c/o John F. Boyle, Department of Catholic Studies, 55-S, University of St. Thomas, 2115 Summit Ave, St. Paul, MN 55105.  Fax: (651) 962-5710, email: For these three sessions, proposals on any topic dealing with Aquinas are welcome.

Those interested in submitting proposals for papers may send them to either Dr. Steven Jensen or Dr. John Boyle. The submission details:

  • Papers are 20 minutes in length
  • Paper submissions must include a 300 word abstract and a completed Participant Information Form (which may be downloaded here).
  • The Deadline for submissions is September 15, 2016.

Be sure to act quickly if you wish to have your proposal considered!  



Call for papers: Aquinas's moral philosophy

It is a little late to be posting this notice but I just came across it and, as they say, better late than never. The online journal Diametros, which is sponsored by the Institute of Philosophy at Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, has announced a call for papers on Aquinas’s moral philosophy and contemporary practical ethics. The deadline is Tuesday, September 10! Here is the notice from PhilPapers:

The Editorial Board of Diametros - An Online Journal of Philosophy is planning to publish a special edition of the journal dedicated to actual and possible applications of Thomas Aquinas’ moral theory to the problems of contemporary practical ethics. The thematic scope of the publication is considerably broad, and that in two respects. On the one hand, we believe that there are a number of issues in St. Thomas’ moral philosophy, in particular his doctrine of natural law, which need to be considered in relation to contemporary practical ethics. On the other hand, Aquinas’ moral theory will certainly shed new light on many issues in practical ethics, especially in bioethics. Thus we do not wish to limit the scope of the articles published in the special edition. However, we would appreciate that the articles not be focused too narrowly on specific issues, so that the special edition will be of interest to a broader audience and not only to specialists in St. Thomas’ ethics.