An interesting text from James Weisheipl, OP (1961)

An interesting text from James Weisheipl, OP (1961)

As a busy Dominican in the early 1960's Fr. James A Weisheipl, OP, regularly lectured to Catholic lay groups in the Chicago and Southern Wisconsin areas. He gave two lecture-series entitled "The Formation of the Modern Mind," and I have a copy of the second of them: "The Philosophy of Communism." It's now scanned, OCR'ed, and ready for your to download.

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Philosophy Job at the Pontifical College Josephinum (Columbus, OH)

The Pontifical College Josephinum is advertising a full-time position in philosophy starting in the fall of 2014. The full job description is available here and here and states in part:

Candidates must possess a doctorate in philosophy and demonstrated excellence in undergraduate teaching.  The expected teaching load for this position will be 3 courses per semester.  Area of specialization: open.  Area of competence: St. Thomas Aquinas. Preference will be given to those with a broad understanding of the history of philosophy.

The application deadline is February 10th, 2014.

Request from Rome for material on the virtues and biology, neurosciences

Adriana Gini, MD, is in Rome and working on Aquinas and the neurosciences. She's looking for contacts and possible written resources. She writes:

I am a physician from Rome, Italy currently studying Philosophy and Theology at the Lateran University in Rome. Interested in authors who have worked at the intersection of Aquinas's concept of virtues and the biological sciences (in particular, the neurosciences).

Would appreciate some references, articles, books, etc. 

Her e-mail address is:

Discounts and new texts from Critical Reprints

The proprietors of Critical Reprints, which produces reprints of Latin editions of important texts by Aquinas, Albertus Magnus, et al. through, have asked us to let our readers know about some coupons Lulu is offering through Dec. 15. Here are the coupon codes:

FREESHIP (free shipping through Dec. 15)

HOLIDAY25 (25% off through Dec. 15 on up to 14 books)

They have also forwarded us the below information about new texts and a giveaway.


New Reprints!

Critical Reprints is pleased to bring you several reprints of important scholarly texts from Thomas Aquinas, Alexander of Hales, and Albert the Great!

In addition to the many reprints of Thomas Aquinas we already stock (like the Leonine Summa theologiae and Summa contra Gentiles), we are now offering:

In addition to the reprints connected with Alexander of Hales we already stock (the whole Summa fratris Alexandri), we are now offering:

We've also added:

Quodlibetal Giveaway (Advent 2013)

For this holiday season, we are inaugurating our first semiannual Quodlibetal GiveawayQuodlibet means "whatever", and in the Middle Ages, magistri would hold seminannual quodlibetal questions in Advent and Easter, where anyone could ask whatever of the masters. Here at Critical Reprints, we're doing our own take on the medieval quodlibet, by giving you an opportunity to win one critical reprint from whatever we reprint every Advent and Easter.

Conference program for Utrecht Conference on Aquinas

I received the final conference program from Prof. Dr. Henk Schoot, director of the Thomas Instituut in Utrecht (The Netherlands) (see our earlier post here). The Institute organizes its fourth international conference on the theological virtues in Aquinas from 11-14 December 2013.

Speakers include Eleonore Stump, Michael Sherwin O.P. and John O'Callaghan and many other contributors from North America.

You can download the conference program here!

The volumes 1-25 (1981-2006) of their yearbook are now available in pdf-format here. Although initially written in Dutch, they include contributions written in other languages as well.


Jörgen Vijgen

DR. JÖRGEN VIJGEN holds academic appointments in Medieval and Thomistic Philosophy at several institutions in the Netherlands. His dissertation, “The status of Eucharistic accidents ‘sine subiecto’: An Historical Trajectory up to Thomas Aquinas and selected reactions,” was written under the direction of Fr. Walter Senner, O.P. at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome, Italy and published in 2013 by Akademie Verlag (now De Gruyter) in Berlin, Germany.

Update from the Aquinas Institute on Publishing the Opera Omnia of Saint Thomas

The Aquinas Institute for the Study of Sacred Doctrine, located in Lander, Wyoming, embarked a few years ago on a monumental project to publish the complete works of Saint Thomas in a uniform edition. The text of Aquinas is always given in parallel Latin-English columns (the Latin edition is the best one available and the English translations have been reviewed by an editorial team for accuracy). In the NT commentaries, the Scripture text is given in Greek (latest edition of Nestle-Aland), Latin (the Clementine Vulgate), and English (the Douay-Rheims because of its rendering of the Vulgate). The volumes are hardcovers with sewn bindings and gold-stamped covers and spines. We have completed the first phase of our publishing project with the following sets:

Commentaries on Matthew and John (4 vols.)

Commentaries on the Letters of Paul (5 vols.)

The Summa theologiae (8 vols.)

The masterful Scripture commentaries of the Angelic Doctor—greatly praised by Leo XIII and many other popes, acknowledged as the pinnacle of their genre, and yet bizarrely hard to come by until now, if available at all—are the first projects we took on, in recognition of the primacy of the Word of God in sacred theology. Future plans include all of Thomas’s Old Testament commentaries as well. 

Having published Matthew, John, Paul, and the Summa, we are now turning our attention to the rest of the Opera Omnia—and here is where we can definitely use your help! We keep the cost of our volumes low to make them widely available, but as a result, the only way we can manage the initial print run of volumes is to obtain funding through donations. Donors receive a complimentary copy of the volumes they help to fund.

Go to our website to use your donation as a vote for what will be printed next—and to be among the first to receive a copy of that set. Once a volume has been funded, this offer of a complimentary copy will cease for that volume, and we will then sell it via Amazon. (For multi-volume sets like the Sentences commentary, donors will receive each volume as it is printed. We are starting with Book IV, which contains Thomas's lengthiest treatment of the sacraments and the liturgy. Work on Book IV is, in fact, well under way.)

We have editors and translators lined up for most of the works of Aquinas, but we will focus our efforts on the works that are most funded by you, our readers.  Please spread the word by sharing this article with any of your colleagues or friends who might be interested.

Ite ad Thomam!

The Aquinas Institute

AISSD Books.jpg

Interview about Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas conference in Houston

Zenit has published an interview I conducted with John Hittinger (The Center for Thomistic Studies at the University of St. Thomas, Houston and the John Paul II Forum) about the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas conference this Oct. 17-19 in Houston. You can find the interview here. John is one of the conference organizers. Tom Osborne, who teaches at The Center for Thomistic Studies and is a contributor, posted about the conference earlier this year.

Welcome to the new

Welcome to the new

After many years on our hosting provider,'s version 5 of their software, we have moved nearly everything over to version 6 of their system, which allows us to have universal reach across desktops, smartphones, and table devices. If you're connected, you can visit

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New volume in the Leonine Edition

The long awaited volume in the Leonine Edition, containing the sermons of St. Thomas and prepared by the late Fr. Louis-Jacques Bataillon OP, will be presented during a two-day conference at Le Saulchoir in Paris on 5-6 december 2013. The website of the Revue des Sciences philosophiques et théologiques has the program.

The publisher of the Leonine Edition, Cerf, now has a 50% discount on the previous printed volumes of the Leonine Edition.