Taparelli's magnum opus available from La Civiltà Cattolica

A few days ago I discovered that the two volumes of Luigi Taparelli d’Azeglio’s Saggio teoretico di dritto naturale are now available on the website of the Jesuit journal La Civiltà Cattolica (first volume here, second volume here). They may have been available there for a long time, so this may be very old news. But better late than never, right?

Taparelli, a Jesuit of an aristocratic and politically invloved Piedmontese family, was an intellectual leader of the Italian Counter-Risorgimento. Indeed, part of the reason for the very existence of La Civiltà Cattolica, of which Taparelli was a co-founder, was to present a Catholic alternative to the Risorgimento. A later Jesuit, Antonio Messineo, who also wrote for the journal, dubbed Taparelli the “martello delle concezioni liberali” — “the hammer of liberal ideas.”

Taparelli was a key figure in the Italian Thomistic revival, a movement in which La Civiltà Cattolica also was instrumental. Aquinas was an essential guide for Taparelli in the Saggio. “To make sure that I had not erred,” Taparelli explains in a letter, “as my theories were born, I compared them with St. Thomas. He was the touchstone.”

In the Saggio Taparelli, guided by Aquinas and others (he also mentions Suarez, Bellarmine, and Vitoria), systematically outlines a Catholic social doctrine that is an alternative to Risorgimento liberalism.

Taparelli is perhaps best remembered (if at all) for his contribution to the concept of subsidiarity and for coining the term “social justice” (giustizia sociale). His understanding of social justice is not exactly the same as our contemporary notion of it. Thomas Burke (one of the few people who write about Taparelli in English — Thomas Behr is another) has this to say about Taparellian social justice:

It is one of the ironies of history that the quintessentially “liberal” idea of “social justice,” as it was to become (in American terminology), should have been originated by an ardent conservative … Unlike the conception of social justice generally accepted in our society at the present time, which is socialist and difficult, if not impossible, to harmonize with our ordinary conception of justice, Taparelli’s conception 1) is simply the ordinary and traditional conception of justice applied in a new area, namely the constitutional arrangements of society, 2) does not apply to states of affairs in society that could exist independently of human actions, 3) constitutes a defense of societal inequality, and 4) is conservative.

You can find the rest of Burke’s paper here. From Burke’s account one can see why Taparelli’s social thought has fallen out of favor. It is a shame and a reevaluation of Taparelli is long overdue.

It is hard to come by a decent and affordable used copy of the Saggio (which has never been translated into English). There are some reprint versions but you cannot always be sure what you are getting with these. The brand new text available from La Civiltà Cattolica is the definitive 5th revised edition of 1855 in the form in which it was published by Edizioni La Civiltà Cattolica in 1949.

(I have a short post on Thomas Jefferson, Taparelli, and social diversity here.)


UPDATE: Recycling large parts of the above post, I have a longer treatment of Taparelli here.

Denys Turner on Aquinas the materialist

Yale University Press has just brought out a book by Denys Turner on Aquinas: Thomas Aquinas: A Portrait. I have profited from reading Turner in the past and look forward to dipping into this new volume. Here’s YUP’s official blurb:

Leaving so few traces of himself behind, Thomas Aquinas seems to defy the efforts of the biographer. Highly visible as a public teacher, preacher, and theologian, he nevertheless has remained nearly invisible as man and saint. What can be discovered about Thomas Aquinas as a whole? In this short, compelling portrait, Denys Turner clears away the haze of time and brings Thomas vividly to life for contemporary readers—those unfamiliar with the saint as well as those well acquainted with his teachings.

Building on the best biographical scholarship available today and reading the works of Thomas with piercing acuity, Turner seeks the point at which the man, the mind, and the soul of Thomas Aquinas intersect. Reflecting upon Thomas, a man of Christian Trinitarian faith yet one whose thought is grounded firmly in the body’s interaction with the material world, a thinker at once confident in the powers of human reason and a man of prayer, Turner provides a more detailed human portrait than ever before of one of the most influential philosophers and theologians in all of Western thought.

What may be most interesting about the book — going from the information on the YUP site — is Turner’s claim that Aquinas is a “materialist.” This comes to light in another blurb from Bernard McGinn. McGinn writes;

Denys Turner’s exciting new reading of Thomas Aquinas emphasizes what he provocatively calls Thomas’s materialism, his insistence that matter bears meaning. Thomas Aquinas is a book to be treasured by all who know and admire Thomas-and all who would like to know him.

Well, that doesn’t sound exactly like your garden variety materialism. The book’s second chapter is especially dedicated to this topic. I’m sure Turner has some thought-provoking things to say here.

Aquinas and the Arabs video course on-line: Thomas Aquinas: Soul and Intellect

From a note sent me by my colleague Richard C. Taylor (Marquette University):
This is just a note to let you know that the global / international graduate course on Aquinas which Andrea Robiglio and I taught with Luis López-Farjeat in Fall 2012 using video lectures and weekly live video meetings has now been ‘published’ via the Marquette University Library e-Publications initiative See http://epublications.marquette.edu/phil_fac/267/.
This includes course description, complete syllabus with required primary and secondary literature for each class meeting, optional recommended additional literature, bibliographical resources, special questions or issues, five translations from Arabic and Latin from the Liber de causis, Albert’s De homine, and Aquinas’s Commentary on the Sentences, and more. The syllabus has links for each week to the 13 hrs of video lectures.
We are doing something similar but improved technically and pedagogically (we believe) for Fall 2013. See http://academic.mu.edu/taylorr/Aquinas_Fall_2013_MU_KUL/Course_Description.html, which is under development.
Dick Taylor is always at the forefront of some interesting curricular happenings.

What do philosophers believe? A new study has some answers

David Bourget and David J. Chalmers have a noteworthy paper forthcoming in Philosophical Studies in which they report their findings from a study they recently conducted about the “philosophical views of contemporary professional philosophers.”

I posted on this study last week at the AMU philosophy department blog. Since I assume that we do not have the same traffic here as we do there I thought I would also put up a post here.

Among the questions that Bourget and Chalmers have tried to answer are the following: Are more philosophers theists or atheists? Are more physicalists or non-physicalists? Are the majority of philosophers deontologists, consequentialists, or virtue ethicists?

You can find a draft of the paper at PhilPapers.org. It is is titled “What Do Philosophers Believe?” The authors admit that it might be misleading to say that their work is a report on the beliefs of a representative group of all philosophers. Indeed, their paper might be more aptly called “What Do Analytic Philosophers Believe?” Bourget and Chalmers explain:

It should be acknowledged that this target group has a strong (although not exclusive) bias toward analytic or Anglocentric philosophy. As a consequence, the results of the survey are a much better guide to what analytic/Anglocentric philosophers (or at least philosophers in strong analytic/Anglocentric departments believe) believe than to what philosophers from other traditions believe. We conceived of the survey that way from the start, in part because that is where our own expertise lies. It is also not clear how much can be learned by requiring (for example) specialists in Anglocentric philosophy to answer questions drawn from Asian philosophy or vice versa. Furthermore, attempting full representation of philosophers worldwide from all traditions would require linguistic resources and contact details that were unavailable to us.

I suppose this narrow sampling is forgivable. With more funding and assistance they might have been able to do something more comprehensive. While I found the paper informative, a friend of mine, who read it at my suggestion (and who reads much more analytic philosophy than I do), told me that he found it uninformative. Oh well, you can judge for yourself.

Latin (and Greek) Immersion at Ave Maria University, Summer 2013

The below is from Dr. Bradley Ritter of The Department of Classics and Early Christian Literature at Ave Maria University:

Looking to accelerate your Latin and translate the work of memorization into ready comprehension? Learn to speak Latin as a foundation for more fluent reading ability by participating in the Summer Latin Intensive course at Ave Maria University this summer from Monday June 17th - Saturday July 6th, 2013.

The course uses a methodology tailored to teach Latin as a spoken language, reintroducing you to Classical Latin through the development of a spoken vocabulary, communicative exchange, and comprehension of simple narratives. Careful attention is given to detailed training in grammar, but the end result is a vastly improved ability to read Latin. The course runs three weeks with two excursions on Saturdays conducted entirely in Latin. 

It is ideally suited to students who have already studied the language for one to three years, but who want to improve their reading skills dramatically through practice in the active use of Latin. Participants will be given the chance to develop their speaking and comprehension skills through formal classroom work and in settings outside of class, including field trips. Students are strongly encouraged to speak Latin exclusively with one another and with the instructor for the duration of the course. Discussion of complex grammatical points will occasionally require the use of English in the classroom, but only as need dictates.

While the course is suitable for college students and even advanced high-school students in their first three years of Latin, beginners are encouraged to contact us.  

A Koine Greek course is also being offered by Dr. Christophe Rico, author of Polis, a textbook designed to teach Koine Greek as a spoken language. The Greek course is being offered Thursday June 13th - Wednesday July 3rd, 2013. 

The deadline for registration for either course is June 1.  

Visit http://classics.avemaria.edu/polis_greek_and_latin/ for more details or contact Dr. Bradley Ritter at bradley.ritter@avemaria.edu.


Enjoy a 20% Discount on All Books Published by Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University

Several weeks ago I made a post about the new relationship between Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University and The Catholic University of America Press.  Yesterday CUA Press released the following, which details a 20% discount that is now available on all Sapientia Press books for the entire month of May:


The Catholic University of America Press is pleased to announce that we are taking on the distribution functions for Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University.  

Sapientia Press exists to foster the academic mission of Ave Maria University and produce scholarly books aimed at enhancing and promoting Catholic scholarship. 

Please enjoy a special 20% discount on all Sapientia Press titles.

To order call 1-800-537-5487 or order online. Use code: CZ138 from May 1, 2013 - May 31, 2013







Divine Action – in Berkeley

The Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology in Berkeley, California, recently held a book launch for Unlocking Divine Action: Contemporary Science and Thomas Aquinas (Catholic University of America Press, 2012) by Fr. Michael Dodds, OP, Professor of Philosophy and Theology at DSPT and the Graduate Theological Union (GTU), Berkeley. Bringing the teachings of Thomas Aquinas into dialogue with contemporary science, Fr. Dodds’ book finds new ways to understand God’s action in the natural world and in human life. Presenters were Dr. Robert John Russell, Founder and Director of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS) at the GTU; Dr. Ted Peters of CTNS, Professor of Systematic Theology, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and the GTU; Dr. Lara Buchak, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of California at Berkeley, and Fr. Mariusz Tabaczek, OP, GTU doctoral student from the Dominican Province of Poland. Presentations at the event are available on video (here).

All Aquinas en français

Francophones will be delighted to know that they can now access Aquinas’s complete oeuvre in French online at http://docteurangelique.free.fr/. Some of the texts also have the Latin in the left-hand column.

The site seems to have been around since 2004 but it has only recently completed the project of translating Aquinas’s opera omnia. The translation of Aquinas’s commentary on the second book of the Sentences, for example, was completed in 2011.

Many of the translations have not appeared in French before (e.g., the complete commentary on the Sentences) and others are new French translations made especially for the site (e.g., De ente et essentia).

CUA Press to Distribute Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University's Books

The Catholic University of America Press recently announced that it has taken over the distribution responsibilities for the volumes published by Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University.  Sapientia Press publishes a series of theological texts, Introduction to Catholic Doctrine, and a broader series, Faith and Reason: Studies in Catholic Theology and Philosophy. The Faith and Reason series includes a number of important and substantial works in Thomistic Philosophy and Theology, including: Steven Long’s The Teological Grammar of the Moral Act, Lawrence Feingold’s The Natural Desire to See God According to St. Thomas Aquinas and His Interpreters; Wisdom in the Face of Modernity: A Study in Thomistic Natural Theology by Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P.; Surnaturel: A Controversy at the Heart of Twentieth-Century Thomistic Thought edited by Serge-Thomas Bonino, O.P.; two volumes by Fr. Gilles Emery, O.P.; two volumes by Bishop Charles Morerod, O.P.; and a collection of essays by the late Fr. Benedict Ashley, O.P., The Ashley Reader: Redeeming Reason.

The press release issued by CUA Press reads as follows:

This spring CUA Press will become the distributer for titles published by Sapientia Press, the academic publishing house of Ave Maria University.

As a publisher of books aimed at enhancing and promoting Catholic scholarship, Sapientia Press and CUA Press have similar missions.

“We are delighted to take on the distribution functions for Sapientia Press. Their books —including titles by such well-known authors as Cardinal Avery Dulles and Alice von Hildebrand — show the same commitment to high-quality scholarship and are in the same subject areas as those of the CUA Press,” said Trevor Lipscombe, director of CUA Press.

“We look forward to disseminating Sapientia titles worldwide, enabling them to reach new audiences and thus increase their role in the New Evangelization.”

In explaining the advantages of partnering with other academic presses in this way, Brian Roach, marketing manager for CUA Press says, “we have a similar distribution agreement with two other presses — the American Maritain Association and the Institute for Psychological Sciences.

“With worldwide distribution and independent sales reps as well as a continually expanding presence in the digital space, CUA Press is well positioned to publicize and promote the valuable scholarship produced by these smaller presses, and give them entrée to markets that they would have trouble entering on their own.”

Created in 1939, CUA Press is Catholic University’s academic publishing house and a founding member of the Association of American University Presses. It publishes scholarly works and serious studies of general interest in history (ecclesiastical and secular), literature and languages, philosophy, political theory, and theology. The press publishes 40 new titles annually and is widely recognized for the publication of the Fathers of the Church series.

Garrigou-Lagrange bibliography online

Benedetto Zorcolo’s 1965 bibliography of his fellow Dominican Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange is available online at the Internet Archive. The bibliography, which runs 72 pages, was originally published in vol. 42 of the Angelicum. I am unaware of a more up-to-date or more complete bibliography but I would be glad to hear from readers who are.

In his introductory notes Zorcolo says that his work builds upon the 1937 bibliography, also published in the Angelicum, put together by Pio Ramirez and students of studium generale of Le Saulchoir (which, I believe, was still in Belgium at that time).

Zorcolo divides the bibliography into four categories: (a) books (Zorcolo writes “Opere”), (b) articles, (c) book reviews, and (d) prefaces.

He also includes in the bibliography the known translations of Garrigou-Lagrange’s writings at that time.

The quality of the scan is somewhat poor but if you use the zoom function, you should be able to read it without trouble.

Italian is easy...IF you know Latin and use these charts

So runs the title of a wonderful handout that Raymond V. Schoder, S.J., distributed in 1960, as part of the “American Classical League.” I received a copy of this handout from Michael A. Fahey, S.J., some years back, and re-found it this morning here in my office at Marquette University while I was ferreting through file folders.

Since our Xerox machines these days also double a massive scanners-to-PDF creators, I scanned the thing to PDF files, combined them into one PDF in Adobe Acrobat, cleaned up, rotated and deskewed the file, and saved it here on Thomistica.net.

This handout is a perfect tool for those who need to consult Italian texts in journals, etc., but don’t have the time to take a full course. Download the 8Mb file here.

A blessed Holy Week to all.

ACPQ Rising Scholar Essay Contest

The American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, the journal of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, is pleased to announce its first annual Rising Scholar Essay Contest: “Any scholar who will not have attained the rank of associate professor by August 1, 2013, is invited to submit a paper that contributes to the development or elucidation of the Catholic philosophical tradition.”  For details, see:
