This is just in from Holland: the updated bibliography of Prof. Leo Elders, probably best known to the English-speaking readers of Thomistica for his books on the
metaphysics, philosophical theology,
natural philosophyand most recently the
ethics of St. Thomas.
Leo Elders was born in Enkhuizen (Netherlands), studied philosophy and theology at the houses of study of the Societas Verbi Divini in the Netherlands and Germany and was ordained in 1953. His Ph.D. dissertation, begun under Werner Jäger at Harvard University and completed at the University of Montréal (Canada) under Vianney Décarie in 1959 was published as Aristotle’s theory of the One. A commentary on Book X of the Metaphysics in 1961.
Fr. Elders taught from 1959 until 1971 at Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan, where he served as dean of the philosophy department and rector of the Major Seminary of Nagoya (Theology Faculty of the University Nanzan). He worked for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith from 1971-1976 while teaching at the Angelicum and the Lateran University in Rome. Since 1976 fr. Elders is a member of the faculty of the Major Seminary Rolduc (Netherlands). He has been visiting professor at the Center for Thomistic Studies in Houston from 1981-1987 and holds the chair of metaphysics since 1988 at the Faculté de philosophie comparée in Paris and the chair of the history of philosophy at the Gustav-Siewerth-Akademie in Germany. Here one can find a more complete CV.
In addition to the books mentionned above, his current list of publications numbers 306 titles covering almost every aspect of Aquinas’s philosophy and theology. Here is the complete list. Among the recent titles are: ‘Tomás de Aquino, comentador de San Pablo’ (2006), ‘Présence de saint Jérôme dans les oeuvres de Thomas d’Aquin’ (2005), ‘La teología de Santo Tomás de la imagen de Dios en el hombre’ (2004), ‘St. Thomas Aquinas on education and instruction’ (2003), ‘La paternité de Dieu dans la théologie spirituelle de saint Thomas d’Aquin’ (2001), ‘Il dialogo in San Tommaso’ (2001), ‘La relation entre l’Ancienne et la Nouvelle Alliance selon saint Thomas’ (2000).