Selling body parts

Thomistica contributor Michael Dauphinais has a new essay at Crisis Magazine entitled "Laudato Si' and the Selling of Body Parts." I think it will be of interest to many readers. Here is an excerpt:

It is no accident, however, that the modern technological paradigm that challenges the uniqueness of human beings also undermines moral truths. Pope Francis writes, “Human ecology also implies another profound reality: the relationship between human life and the moral law, which is inscribed in our nature and is necessary for the creation of a more dignified environment” (LS 155); he then quotes Pope Benedict XVI, who “spoke of an ‘ecology of man,’ based on the fact that ‘man too has a nature that he must respect and that he cannot manipulate at will’” (LS 155). Such manipulation is seen most clearly in abortion, when more powerful human beings end the life of the less powerful. This is why the references to embryos and abortion are not extraneous to the encyclical.

A connected thought... Isn't it interesting that, on the one hand, there is in the West (and quite clearly in the US) a rage for the "natural" and the "organic," when it comes to food, while, on the other hand, also in the West, there is rampant skepticism and sometimes outright denial of the organic and natural in the human context.

David Bentley Hart contra natural law

There has been a serious debate raging (or just “occurring” — “raging” might be too strong) over a critique of natural law theory authored by David Bentley Hart in the March issue of First Things. Edward Feser’s replies (all conveniently linked to here) in defense of classical (as opposed to “new”) natural law theory are worth reading. Actually, Feser not only defends classical natural law theory, he also points out just how confused Hart’s critique is.

Hart replies to Feser’s first reply here. Feser’s reply to Hart’s reply can be found by clicking on the second link in the above paragraph.

(This post also appears at our AMU philosophy department blog.)