Kalamazoo CFP – Center for Thomistic Studies and Thomas Aquinas Society



Call for papers on the thought of



Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan

8—10 May 2025

A total of 6 sessions will be devoted to Medieval philosophical and theological thought, especially that of Aquinas. The sessions are sponsored by:

The Center for Thomistic Studies (University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas), Steven J. Jensen (jensensj@stthom.edu). Three sessions will be devoted to any topic about the philosophy of Aquinas, his sources, or contemporary applications of his thought.

The Thomas Aquinas Society (Providence College), Robert Barry (rbarry@providence.edu). For these sessions, proposals on any topic dealing with Aquinas are welcome.

All papers will be delivered face-to-face; online format is unavailable.

Papers are 20 minutes in length. Paper submissions must include a 300 word abstract, and a short description (50 words) for public view on the meeting site, should the proposal be accepted.

Deadline for submissions: 15 Sep 2024

Papers must be submitted through the Western Michigan University website. The following links will take you directly to the submission page for our sessions.

Center for Thomistic Studies

Thomas Aquinas Society

The Kalamazoo conference is the largest congress for Medieval Studies in the world.

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