International Colloquium on Bonaventure and Aquinas

2024 marks the 750th anniversary of the death of both Bonaventure of Bagnoregio and Thomas Aquinas. To commemorate the occasion, the Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon (CFUL), in partnership with the Center for Classical Studies of the same University (CEC), the Society for the European History of Ideas (SEHI), and the Red Latinoamericana de Filosofía Medieval (RLFM), is organizing a colloquium.

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Grace, Virtue, and Law – IHE Summer Seminar at the Angelicum

Grace, Virtue, and Law – IHE Summer Seminar at the Angelicum

For Saint Thomas Aquinas, the notion of law is situated within a broader metaphysical and theological context, which modern theories of law have largely abandoned. In order to recover the wisdom of Saint Thomas on the topic of law, the 2024 Rome seminar will consider this question: what is the relationship between grace, virtue, and law? 

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CFP for Book Chapters: Mary and/as Philosophy

Occasioned by the 25th anniversary of Fides et Ratio, this volume seeks to collect a series of original contributions on the Sedes Sapientiae as a model for true philosophy, as suggested by the encyclical’s final paragraph. The goal is to traverse the profound dialogue between philosophical inquiry and Marian themes, fostering a multidisciplinary discourse at the intersection of Philosophy and Mariology.

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University of Tulsa, Conference Honoring Aquinas’s 750th

The Honors College and the Department of Philosophy and Religion at the University of Tulsa invite graduate students to submit paper proposals for a conference honoring the 750th anniversary of the death of St. Thomas Aquinas to be held 7-9 March 2024 on the campus of the University of Tulsa. This conference will gather Theologians, Philosophers, Historians, and other interested scholars to mark this anniversary.

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