An on-line Database of Thomistic Bibliography

In 2002 Mark Johnson wrote a short article on the “Future of Thomistic Bibliography” in which he expressed the need for a database of Thomistic literature and offered some proposals to implement such a database.

About nine years earlier, the Corpus Thomisticum Project, under the direction of Enrique Alarcón had already begun to publish an updated alphabetical list and in 2007 the first issue of Thomistica: A Yearbook of Thomistic Bibliography was published, which contains summaries and reviews of a large part of the literature, appearing in 2006.

Now, combining many features of both the alphabetical list and the printed Yearbook, a genuine database has been put online. The database currently contains almost 22000 entries, of which some 5000 with summaries and reviews.

While all users have access to the most common types of searches, subscribers of the printed yearbook may login as advanced users, with access to additional types of searches. One can also suggest new publications for inclusion in the database.

In short, the Thomistic community is again indebted to Enrique Alarcon and his team for this wonderful tool!


Jörgen Vijgen

DR. JÖRGEN VIJGEN holds academic appointments in Medieval and Thomistic Philosophy at several institutions in the Netherlands. His dissertation, “The status of Eucharistic accidents ‘sine subiecto’: An Historical Trajectory up to Thomas Aquinas and selected reactions,” was written under the direction of Fr. Walter Senner, O.P. at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome, Italy and published in 2013 by Akademie Verlag (now De Gruyter) in Berlin, Germany.