Dionysius Circle Symposium III

The Dionysius Circle is pleased to invite you to the Dionysius Circle Symposium III on Saturday, October 12, 2024, from 8:55 AM to 1:30 PM. This symposium will focus on the interaction between of St. Dionysius the Areopagite and St. Maximus the Confessor. Please register for the event using the link below:

Presenters and Commentators:

  • Vladimir Cvetković (University of Belgrade)

  • Title: "Maximus the Confessor and the Porphyrian Tree Revisited"

  • Commentator: Dominic V. Cassella (CUA)

  • Jonathan Bieler (CUA)

  • Title: "Participation vs. analogia entis? Comparing Maximus the Confessor and Aquinas by way of Dionysius"

  • Commentator: Fr. Andrew Summerson (University of St. Michael's College)

  • Hans Boersma (Nashotah House)

  • Title: "A Metaphysic of Love: God beyond Being"

  • Commentator: Luke Togni (Saint Mary's University)

  • Travis Dumsday (Concordia University)

  • Title: "The Problem of Divine Hiddenness: Insights from St. Dionysius the Areopagite & St. Maximus the Confessor"

  • Commentator: Derek King (Lewis House)

We look forward to your participation in what promises to be a stimulating and enriching event!