Call for Papers: CTSA Session: Thomas Aquinas Consultation (Deadline: Sept. 1)

There will be a session at the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA) Convention in Atlanta, GA (June 9–12, 2022) pertaining to “Thinking Catholic Interreligiously.” The Call for Papers deadline is September 1st, 2021.


The Thomas Aquinas Consultation invites papers that explore relationships between the thought of Thomas Aquinas (and/or the Thomist tradition) and non-Christian religions. Topics may include theological considerations of the extensivity of salvation (e.g., extra Ecclesiam nulla salus), the virtue of religion, the relationship of non-Christian religions to the Church and to Christ, the place of the religions in the plan of divine providence, or explorations of the method and teaching of the Summa contra Gentiles. Papers may also attend to such questions as the influence of interreligious exchange on Thomas’s own thought or that of the later Thomist tradition, the end or finis of interreligious dialogue itself (e.g., in conversation with ST, II-II, q. 10), Thomistic perspectives on adherence to objective truth vs. openness to dialogue with others, Thomist approaches to religious conflict, or Thomistic thought in relation to modern secularity or religious indifferentism.

INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN YOUR PROPOSAL: • Your paper proposal should be not more than 250 words. • You should also include a 100 word précis that will be posted on the CTSA website should your paper be accepted. • Please provide the name and institution of all participants (convener, moderator, presenters), and contact information, including e‐mail. • Indicate whether you will be requiring A/V equipment.

ELIGIBILITY FOR SUBMITTING PAPER PROPOSALS • CTSA guidelines require that those making proposals ordinarily be associate or full members in good standing with their dues paid up. Anyone with an associate or full membership application on file can also submit a proposal if they expect to be accepted for membership in the upcoming June convention. • No member may present a paper/respond to a paper/participate on a panel more than once at a given convention. An exception is made for members of under‐represented groups. Presentations made to the Women’s Consultation on Constructive Theology are included in this rubric. • Members cannot have a speaking role for more than two consecutive years In a three-year period. Deadline: September 1, 2021. Please submit proposals to: You will be notified by e‐mail whether your paper has been accepted by September 14, 2021.

ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM: Dominic Langevin, O.P. (Convener) Daria Spezzano David Elliot


Ryan J Brady

Dr. Brady is an associate professor of Theology at St. John Vianney College Seminary and Graduate school. He has taught courses in theology, classics and early Christian studies at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary and Ave Maria University. Subsequent to a few semesters of study at Thomas Aquinas College, he graduated from La Salle University in Philadelphia with a B.A. in Religion. After receiving a Masters degree in Systematic Theology from Christendom Graduate School (where he was the valedictorian) he defended his doctoral dissertation “Aquinas on the Respective Roles of Prudence and Synderesis vis-à-vis the Ends of the Moral Virtues” with distinction and received his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology. His forthcoming book with Emmaus Academic is entitled, “Conforming to Right Reason.”