A great web site for the RSPT
RSPT coverDoing a little research I came across the wonderful web site for the journal Revue des Sciences philosophiques et théologiques (RSPT), and found that the web site has a functionality almost rivaling that of The Thomist.
The journal itself is a well-known source for French-language philosophical and theological writing, closely associated with the Dominicans:
À partir de 1903, un groupe de jeunes intellectuels, religieux dominicains, expulsés de France et trouvant refuge en Belgique, au ‘Saulchoir’ à côté de Tournai, cherchent comment organiser leur travail intellectuel et manifester la vitalité de leur réflexion croyante en apportant leur part à la recherche et à la pensée françaises du début du siècle.
Ils fondent les Facultés philosophiques et théologiques du Saulchoir en automne 1904 et se préparent au lancement d’une Revue à vocation internationale; le fascicule 1 de la Revue des Sciences philosophiques et théologiques (RSPT) paraît en janvier 1907.
Père André Duval wrote an article in 1994 that details the journal’s history ("Aux origines de la Revue des Sciences philosophiques et théologoques" RSPT 78 [1994] 31-44), which can be downloaded in PDF format. The journal regularly has articles of direct interest to Thomas scholars (e.g., Fr Wielockx’s 1999 article on the condemnations of 1277) and also sports a recension of other journals (a whopping big list of the journals covered can be downloaded in zip format), book reviews, and bulletins cover specific doctrinal topics or periods of history (e.g., Fr E.-H. Weber’s and Fr L.-J. Bataillon’s round-ups on medieval theology).
The web site provides some tools to search through the last ten years or so, to find the authors of articles and the titles of articles. The table of contents for more recent issues (from 1999 onward) can be displayed, and you can click on an author’s name to see the abstract of the article (the abstracts are in both French and English). Full bibliographical references are always provided, making it easy to do some bibliographical review over the Internet, decide that you need to consult an article, and then have the precise information in tow to find it at your library or order it up via inter-library loan.