Okus: a program for for studying ancient Greek texts
Okus 1.2: a Greek reading programWow.
I recently learned of this program, made by Projects 225. It’s called Okus, and it is
a new computer application, Okus, which is available for studying ancient Greek texts. Okus incorporates new methods for reading ancient Greek, including color-coordination of words based on tense or case, fast point-click morphology parsing, and dictionary-entry browsing.
I downloaded the program, and found out that it has the ability to show Greek texts of classical works, in a color-highlighted way. You click on a particular Greek word in the text (say, from Aristotle), and a panel on the right of the screen gives you the definition of the work, and the declention or conjugation of the term as it is found in the text. The program currently contains many works of Aristotle (not all, alas, but it has the Metaphysics, the Nicomachean Ethics, the Poetics, Politics, and Rhetoric), and a ton of the dialogues of Plato. It contains Homer (the Iliad and the Odyssey) and Hesiod. Importantly for the Thomist, it contains the Greek New Testament and the Septuagint. This is a perfect tool for someone whose Greek is terrible (like me!).
A demonstration version of this program is available for download at http://www.p225.com. At this time Okus is only available on Microsoft Windows (XP and 2000).