Wisdom's Apprentice: Festschrift in honor of Lawrence Dewan, OP

Okay, I know that Fr Dewan was my teacher in Toronto and all, so I might be expected to pay him filial homage now and again. But the fact is that it’s a good time to be Fr Dewan. He gave the Aquinas Lecture at Marquette University in 2007, and now Catholic University has not only recently published a collection of his essays on metaphysics (Form and Being: Studies in Thomistic Metaphysics [Washington, DC: CUA Press, 2006]—link), but they have also published a Festschrift in his honor: Wisdom’s Apprentice: Thomistic Essays in Honor of Lawrence Dewan, O.P. (PDF/link). Edited by Peter Kwasniewski of Wyoming Catholic College, here is the blurb:

Lawrence Dewan, O.P., has long graced the world of Thomistic scholarship with the impressive lucidity, depth, and comprehensiveness of his research on many facets of the Angelic Doctor’s legacy. A professor at the Collège Universitaire Dominicain in Ottawa and a member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas, his more than one hundred articles have brought him international renown as a foremost authority on metaphysics, natural philosophy, and ethics as well as on aspects of the work of John Capreolus, Albert the Great, Etienne Gilson, and Jacques Maritain, among others.

In Wisdom’s Apprentice, twelve distinguished scholars pay grateful homage to their friend and mentor in recognition of his extraordinary contributions to the study of the philosophia perennis. Prompted by the honoree’s seventy-fifth birthday in March 2007, this volume gathers incisive essays on a variety of key topics in the Thomist tradition.

The book is divided into four parts. Part I engages fundamental metaphysical issues, Jan Aertsen writing on truth as a transcendental, Stephen Brock and David Twetten on the doctrine of being, and J. L. A. West on supposit and nature. Part II contains essays on natural theology, with Ralph McInerny and Leslie Armour posing questions on the rational basis of man’s knowledge of God and Gregory Doolan showing how deliberately Aquinas integrates divine ideas into his doctrine of God. In Part III natural philosophy comes to the fore: Christopher Decaen expounds the impossibility of action at a distance, Jude Dougherty the relationship between physics and philosophy, and Ralph Nelson the influence of Bergson on an important difference between Gilson and Maritain. The two authors of Part IV address the world of man; Kevin Flannery argues that for Aristotle no less than for Aquinas acts can be good or bad in their very species and Heather McAdam Erb unfolds Aquinas’s views on interior peace, the foretaste of eternal life.


  • Editor’s Introduction
  • Biography of Lawrence Dewan, O.P.
  • Publications of Lawrence Dewan, O.P.
  • PART I. Metaphysics
    • Is Truth Not a Transcendental for Aquinas? Jan A. Aertsen
    • Thomas Aquinas and “What Actually Exists” Stephen L. Brock
    • Really Distinguishing Essence from Esse David B. Twetten
    • The Real Distinction between Supposit and Nature J.L.A. West
  • PART II. Natural Theology
    • From Shadows and Images to the Truth Ralph McInerny
    • Re-thinking the Infinite Leslie Armour
    • Is Thomas’s Doctrine of Divine Ideas Thomistic? Gregory T. Doolan
  • PART III. Philosophy of Nature
    • The Impossibility of Action at a Distance Christopher A. Decaen
    • Physics and Philosophy Jude P. Dougherty
    • Two Masters, Two Perspectives: Maritain and Gilson on the Philosophy of Nature Ralph Nelson
  • PART IV. Ethics and Spirituality
    • Moral Taxonomy and Moral Absolutes Kevin L. Flannery, S.J.
    • Interior Peace: Inchoatio vitae aeternae Heather McAdam Erb
  • Works Cited
  • Contributors
  • Index of Names

Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson is an associate professor of Theology at Marquette University, and founded thomistica.net on Squarespace in November of 2004. He studied with James Weisheipl, Leonard Boyle, Walter Principe, and Lawrence Dewan, at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto, Canada).

New CUA book of Rhonheimer’s essays

Catholic University of America Press has published a collection of Fr Martin Rhonheimer's essays, entitled The Perspective of the Acting Person: Essays in the Renewal of Thomistic Moral Philosophy (link/PDF). The volume was edited by William F. Murphy, Jr., of the Pontifical College Josephinum. Here's the blurb, thanks to CUA Press:

The Perspective of the Acting Person introduces readers to one of the most important and provocative thinkers in contemporary moral philosophy. In this collection of essays Martin Rhonheimer examines the central themes of natural law, moral action, and virtue emphasized by John Paul II's 1993 encyclical Veritatis Splendor. Rhonheimer's work follows the general direction taken by the encyclical through an almost unprecedented rigor of philosophical argumentation and level of engagement with both European and American scholarship.

Rhonheimer argues extensively, from the texts of Aquinas, against aspects of more traditional interpretations of the Angelic Doctor. He maintains that their deficiencies helped precipitate both the postconciliar crisis in moral theology and the rise of revisionist approaches. He addresses not only the central topics of natural law and moral action but also the reasonableness of Christian morality, the relation between nature and reason, and that between metaphysics and ethics. All are considered from the distinctively moral perspective of the agent. Rhonheimer also responds to critics of both Veritatis Splendor and his own work and critiques works by revisionist moral theologians.

The collection focuses on Rhonheimer's fundamental ethical theory, establishing the theoretical bases for his more applied works in areas such as sexual ethics, political philosophy, social ethics, and medical ethics. A detailed introduction by William F. Murphy, Jr., sketches Rhonheimer's intellectual biography and the development of his thought, and summarizes key content from the essays. Finally, a detailed bibliography of Rhonheimer's work is included, which further enhances the volume's value to moral philosophers and theologians.


  • Introduction by William F. Murphy Jr.
  • Is Christian Morality Reasonable? On the Difference between Secular and Christian Humanism
  • Norm-Ethics, Moral Rationality, and the Virtues: What's Wrong with Consequentialism?
  • "Intrinsically Evil Acts" and the Moral Viewpoint: Clarifying a Central Teaching of Veritatis Splendor
  • Intentional Actions and the Meaning of Object: A Reply to Richard McCormick
  • Practical Reason and the "Naturally Rational": On the Doctrine of the Natural Law as a Principle of Praxis in Thomas Aquinas
  • The Moral Significance of Pre-Rational Nature in Aquinas: A Reply to Jean Porter (and Stanley Hauerwas)
  • The Cognitive Structure of the Natural Law and the Truth of Subjectivity
  • The Perspective of the Acting Person and the Nature of Practical Reason: The "Object of the Human Act" in Thomistic Anthropology of Action
  • Practical Reason and the Truth of Subjectivity: The Self-Experience of the Moral Subject at the Roots of Metaphysics and Anthropology
  • Review of Jean Porter's Nature as Reason: A Thomistic Theory of the Natural Law
  • Bibliography
  • Index

Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson is an associate professor of Theology at Marquette University, and founded thomistica.net on Squarespace in November of 2004. He studied with James Weisheipl, Leonard Boyle, Walter Principe, and Lawrence Dewan, at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto, Canada).

The Martyred Inquisitor

84186-1455001-thumbnail.jpgLife can be full of coincidences. A couple weeks back, just in time for Palm Sunday, I scooted out of Milwaukee to Paris to work at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), trying to make some headway on my Paul of Hungary, OP, project (I’ll post more about that on my personal blog soon). It was a wonderful and intense five days.

My daily trip to the BnF took me from the Dominican convent at St. Jacques (home to the Saulchoir and the Leonine Commission) through the Ile de la Cité, along the Louvre, and then up to the old BnF (58, rue de Richelieu). Most afternoons I hiked back down to Notre Dame for a visit, and then caught the bus back to the convent. On Palm Sunday I was an outright tourist, and went to Sainte-Chapelle, and over to the Louvre—which I hadn’t gone to since the late-1970’s. Inside, among the many, many precious and informative objects, I came across a painting of St. Peter Martyr, OP, which I promptly snapped.

Today I was finally organizing the pictures I took while at Paris when it struck me: today is the day in the liturgical calendar when St. Peter of Verona suffered martyrdom (the Saturday following Easter, in the year 1252). I know this because of my reading of Donald Prudlo’s The Martyred Inquisitor: The Life and Cult of Peter of Verona (†1252) (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2007) (link), which presents the first full modern biography of Peter’s life, death, and cult. If you’ve seen pictures of key Dominicans in European painting, you’ve seen pictures of Peter (usually with a split, bleeding head—he was killed by blows to the head with a farmer’s tool). Peter was the Dominican Order’s first martyr, his cult was encouraged throughout the Order, and Thomas Aquinas would surely have known about, and participated, in his cult.

The Ashgate website has a few PDF files you can download, key among which is Prudlo’s helpful Introduction to the work.


Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson is an associate professor of Theology at Marquette University, and founded thomistica.net on Squarespace in November of 2004. He studied with James Weisheipl, Leonard Boyle, Walter Principe, and Lawrence Dewan, at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto, Canada).

Principe on Aquinas’s Spirituality

One of my teachers in Toronto, Walter Principe, C.S.B., had a long-standing interesting in St Thomas's "spirituality," worked on this topic, and published on it, until the very end of his life, in 1996.

Isn't life interesting? Another one of my other teachers, James Weisheipl, OP, wrote an article once insisting that St Thomas had no spirituality, to his credit!

Anyway, a nice overview of Fr Principe's thinking on Thomas's spirituality can be found on-line, on the Spirituality Today website. The article is entitled "Aquinas' Spirituality for Christ's Faithful Living in the World," Spirituality Today 44/2 (1992): 110-131 (link).


Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson is an associate professor of Theology at Marquette University, and founded thomistica.net on Squarespace in November of 2004. He studied with James Weisheipl, Leonard Boyle, Walter Principe, and Lawrence Dewan, at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto, Canada).

Papers on Aquinas at Kalamazoo 2008

Every year I try to "scrape" the PDF file that the people at Western Michigan University put out for that year's Congress. Here are the papers directly on Aquinas for this year's Congress, plus some allied topics.

Forty-third International Congress on Medieval Studies May 8–11, 2008

Papers on Aquinas

  • Thomas Aquinas on the Gift of Wisdom (Daria Lucas, Univ. of Notre Dame)
  • Aquinas, Scandal, Public Figures, and Freedom of the Press: A Test Case for Natural Law Theory (David Conter, Huron Univ. College)
  • Natural Law, Practical Reason, and Prudence in Thomas Aquinas (James M. Jacobs, Notre Dame Seminary)
  • Natural Rights and Unnatural Persons: Coercion and Rights in Augustine, Aquinas, and Some Twelfth-Century Thinkers (Toy-Fung Tung, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY)
  • Aquinas on the Political Autonomy of the Household (Thornton Lockwood, Boston Univ.)
  • Analogy and Accommodation in Aquinas and Calvin (Laura Smit)
  • Saint Thomas on the Question of the Sacramentality of Religious (Paul Jerome Keller, OP, Providence College
  • Inclination, Appetite, and Will: Continuities and Discontinuities (Mary Veronica Sabelli, RSM, St. John's Seminary)
  • The Palindromic Structure of Aquinas's Adoro devote (Lucia Treanor, FSE, Grand Valley State Univ)
  • Saint Thomas's Third Way Revisited (Lawrence Dewan, OP, Dominican Univ. College)
  • Can Being Be Accidental: Ens per Accidens in Saint Thomas's Metaphysics (Barbara Freres, Cardinal Stritch Univ.)
  • Person and Relation in the Summa theologiae (Patrick Meredith Gardner, Univ. of Notre Dame)
  • Aquinas: Prayer as a Rational Act (Michael R. Miller, Mount St. Mary's Univ.)
  • Papers on Steven A. Long's The Teleological Grammar of the Moral Act
    • Long's "Natural Teleology" and the Finis Operis (Thomas M. Osborne, Jr., Univ. of St. Thomas, Houston)
    • The Disappearing Act: The Teleology That Went Away (Steven J. Jensen, Univ. of St. Thomas, Houston)
    • Why This Book Matters (Romanus Cessario, OP, St. John's Seminary)
    • Response to Papers: (Steven A. Long, Ave Maria Univ.)
  • Thomas Aquinas on Courage, Death, and the Good of Reason (James Carey, St. John's College)
  • Courage and Faith in the Village of Le Chambon, France (Randall Smith, Univ. of St. Thomas, Houston)
  • Ordinary Martyrs: Thomas Aquinas on Courage in Everyday Life (Colleen McCluskey, St. Louis Univ)
  • Putting the Evil in Medieval and Other Adventures: Chaucer, Dante, and Aquinas in Newberry (Warren S. Moore III, Newberry College)
  • Love Bears All Things: Aquinas on the Virtue of Courage and the Gift of Fear (Rebecca Konyndyk De Young, Calvin College)
  • The Grammar of Courage and the Vision of God (Gary Culpepper, Providence College)
  • Woman and War: Andromache, Jeanne d'Arc, and Rosie the Riveter (Mary C. Sommers, Center for Thomistic Studies)
  • Abstraction and the Moral Species of Human Acts (David M. Gallagher, Independent Scholar)
  • Courage in the Early Moral Works of Albert the Great (Martin Tracey, Benedictine Univ.)
  • The Role of Courage in Intellectual Work (Liliana Beatriz Irizar, Sergio Arboleda Univ)
  • Procession as Communication of the Divine Essence: The Heart of Aquinas's Trinitarian Theology (Anselm K. Min)

Other papers

  • Aristotle, Politics, and the Dominicans in the Middle Ages (Charles F. Briggs, Georgia Southern Univ)
  • Tolomeo Fiadoni (Ptolemy of Lucca) and the Controversy over the Reception of Aristotle's Politics (James M. Blythe, Univ. of Memphis)
  • Procession as Communication of the Divine Essence: The Heart of Aquinas's Trinitarian Theology (Anselm K. Min)
  • Henry Harclay, Duns Scotus, and Their Critique of Aquinas's Theory of Relations (John Slotemaker, Boston College)

Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson is an associate professor of Theology at Marquette University, and founded thomistica.net on Squarespace in November of 2004. He studied with James Weisheipl, Leonard Boyle, Walter Principe, and Lawrence Dewan, at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto, Canada).

The Homily at Fr Maurer’s funeral

Yesterday I posted the homily that Fr James Farge, CSB, delivered at the wake service for Armand Maurer. Today I'm able to post the homily that Fr James McConica gave at the funeral proper (thanks, again, to Fr Teske):

HOMILY: Funeral Mass for Armand Maurer CSB
Cardinal Flahiff Centre, Toronto
Wednesday of Easter Week, 2008
Acts 3:1-10; Luke 24: 13-35

"That same hour they got up and returned to Jerusalem; and they found the eleven and their companions gathered together, who said, 'The Lord has risen indeed, and he has appeared to Simon!'"

Some time shortly after six in the morning of Holy Saturday, five days ago, Armand Maurer was called from his sleep to God. The journey was brief. On getting settled in his new quarters, where he was fondly reunited with his parents and many members of his family, he made his way soon as possible to Etienne Gilson, who was expecting him. Armand immediately inquired about the accuracy of a text he had been editing, an unpublished lecture once given in Montreal about the education of a philosopher, and recently discovered in a transcription that seems to pose an internal inconsistency in Gilson's argument.

This much is certain. More, I cannot say, except that nothing in heaven or on earth could shake Armand Maurer's focus on his life's work. As Father Farge reminded us last night, he was a philosopher to the end. He was truly in love with Wisdom.

For those of us who lived with Armand, there was something astonishingly familiar about the manner of his going. In his week in hospital the doctors could provide no diagnosis. Apart from his obvious weakness, there was no drama. It seemed to us that Armand did not so much die as – quietly - withdraw. So he has kept his Easter on another plane, and seems to be with us now as he was then: quiet, attentive, present, and at peace.

It is fitting that we should be gathered here to say goodbye in the light of Easter, especially on that day in Easter Week – still, in liturgy, on Easter Day – when we have the brilliant story of the journey to Emmaus and the gift of discipleship. Armand's pilgrimage has come to an end that is, for him, a new beginning. Nonetheless, his journey here must have been one that, over his lifetime, contained its own anxieties and disappointments. Whatever those may have been - and who now can say? – one thing is clear: he was supremely faithful to his vocation, and to his teachers: St Thomas, of course, and certainly Etienne Gilson. But he had another Master than St Thomas, or even Gilson. That Master was his rock.

Let us think for a moment of the disenchanted followers of Jesus in today's Gospel. Jesus, they lament, has failed to meet their expectations, and they complain sadly and unknowingly to him: "We had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel".

He stays with them patiently, teaching them, explaining to them how what had happened was entirely consistent with all that they had been taught to expect of the Messiah. They are intrigued, but that is not enough. They offer him hospitality: "Stay with us because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over." This, it seems, is the condition finally needed by Jesus to reveal himself in his true nature. "When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized Jesus and he vanished from their sight."

Their joyful realization is followed by their return to the tiny community of the eleven in Jerusalem, who confirm the truth of their immense discovery: "The Lord has risen indeed, and he has appeared to Simon!" This passage may be the oldest text that we possess testifying to the Resurrection. It is the Gospel. Within it is contained the whole of our faith.

There are surely many journeys such as that to Emmaus, and many epiphanies of the Lord Jesus. Jesus reveals himself all of the time and in many ways, to those who give him hospitality, which is to say, to those who seek him, knowingly or not. And he does so through his presence in his devoted followers. Among the most important, and most potent formal means is that of teaching - always synonymous with the breaking of bread, the bread of wisdom, of the Word, to which Armand was so entirely devoted.

He was a great teacher, and that in a community dedicated to teaching in its many forms. His stature was revealed in his commanding grasp of the tradition, in his clarity of exposition, and in his sense of mission. A reviewer of his recent Festschrift called him, "one of the most outstanding historians of medieval philosophy of our time." For all of his gentleness of manner, he was also most demanding – I know whereof I speak, as I attended his seminar on Scotus and Ockham. He would not tolerate slackness or indifference in the all-important pursuit of truth.

In the early '70's, to a brash and very bright, determined student of the day who was keen to learn Aristotle but objected to studying Greek, Armand said with a shake of the head and a gentle smile: "Our way or the highway," and showed him the door. The student told me of this some years later. Of course he learned Greek, and his career since that day has been rooted in what he learned at the Institute, and the study of Aristotle.

Above all, Armand's devotion to the breaking open of the Word was not confined to the classroom. It showed also, and above all, in his nature: in his modesty and humility, his patience, his quiet dignity, his charity – who ever heard him utter a critical word? – and it showed in his delight in the arts, in literature, in nature, and quite simply, in all aspects of our human vocation, including its comedy. Some time ago a passer-by on Bay Street pressed a ten-dollar bill secretly into his pocket, evidently taking pity on this distinguished looking, frail old man. When he got home and realized what had happened, Armand was immensely amused and in no way disconcerted or abashed. It was part of la comédie humaine.

In the end, he showed us what it is to live and to be, in the light of the Resurrection, in the light of that commanding proclamation, "The Lord has risen indeed, and he has appeared to Simon!" Let us honour Armand's example, and conclude with the prayer we use on Easter day: "May the risen Lord breathe on our minds and open our eyes, that we may know him in the breaking of bread, and follow him in his risen life."

James McConica, csb


Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson is an associate professor of Theology at Marquette University, and founded thomistica.net on Squarespace in November of 2004. He studied with James Weisheipl, Leonard Boyle, Walter Principe, and Lawrence Dewan, at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto, Canada).

A Eulogy for Fr Maurer

Fr Armand Maurer's funeral mass was yesterday, Wednesday, March 26, 2008, in Toronto, with the eulogy delivered by Fr James McConica, CSB, praeses of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. The eulogy for his wake service was delivered by his confrère, Fr James Farge, CSB, the previous day. Thanks to Fr Roland Teske, SJ, for passing along Fr Farge's text:

Armand A. Maurer, C.S.B (1915-2008)
This evening, we – members of the family of Father Armand Maurer, his religious community of Basilians, colleagues and friends – have gathered in prayer for him. We have prayed for his etern al rest and peace with God, and we have prayed in thanksgiving to God for the gift of Armand's presence among us for so many years. We gather also to offer our condolences to Armand's sister Dorothy, to his nieces, nephews, and cousins and to the many others who will grieve his loss. Just as the lives of so many of us have been changed by our knowing Armand Maurer, so will our lives now be changed by his being with us no longer.

As we grieve and pray this evening, we should also take a few moments to remember him, to honour him for the man he was and for what he was able to do for so many. Each of us, of course, will remember Armand in our own way, and that is as it must be. But the two readings from Scripture that we have just heard may help us in our prayer and remembrance. The first reading describes a man who is wise; the second a man who was good but also a man who questioned, who sought the truth. In the reading from the Book of Wisdom, we heard that the wise man is one who knows from where he came and to where he must go; a man who knows that, in his passage on earth, it is important to fathom "the structure of the world and its elements; the beginning, the end, and the middle of times; the powers of spirits and the reasonings of men." The passage goes on to tell us that in the wise man there is a spirit that is "intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, clear, loving the good, keen, irresistible, beneficent, humane, steadfast, sure, free from anxiety, ... and penetrating through all spirits that are intelligent and pure and most subtle." Is there any one of those facets of wisdom that we would not apply readily to Armand Maurer?

For the Gospel reading I had at first chosen the passage from Matthew that we know as the Beatitudes. Anyone who dealt with Armand Maurer in any way – certainly those of us who lived and sat at table with him day after day – would recognize in Armand Maurer the humble and meek man, a man who hungered and thirsted for righteousness, who showed mercy, who was pure in heart, who was a peacemaker. Instead of reading that passage I chose to read from the first chapter of St. John's Gospel, where Jesus, in gathering his disciples, comes upon Nathanael whom he describes as "a man in whom there is no guile." There is no record of Jesus saying that about anybody else; but I have no hesitation in believing that he would say the same today about Armand Maurer – and not just because of his innate goodness. Remember, Jesus said that about Nathanael who had just asked, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Nathanael was not taking cheap shots at Nazareth. If he were, Jesus would not say he was without guile. Nathanael simply knew that the Messiah was to come from Bethlehem, not Nazareth. He was therefore a man who questioned, who know that truth mattered. Armand Maurer's very profession as a philosopher and historian of philosophers made him constantly question and challenge ways of thinking that fell short of his criteria for truth. Like Nathanael, in the midst of his questioning and questing profession, Armand remained "a man in whom there was no guile."

Armand Maurer was born in January 1915 in Rochester, New York. When he was still young, the family acquired a horse and turned its care over to Armand, who, the rest of his life, never lost his enthusiasm for horses. He was an ardent viewer of the major stakes and derbies on television. It was well known that, in his younger years, Armand liked to place a bet or two. In his high school days, he began to buy and read books in science and, surprisingly for a high school student, in philosophy. When he came to Saint Michael's College in the 1930s he chose to pursue philosophy – but he never lost interest in science. He was convinced that philosophy and science could be used together to get at the whole truth that neither could find alone.

After entering the Basilian Fathers, Armand did his graduate studies at the Institute of Mediaeval Studies, where he became a close disciple of the eminent French historian of philosophy, Etienne Gilson, whom he continued to revere all his life. Through Gilson, Armand came to know the whole gamut of medieval and modern philosophers. He did his thesis on William of Ockham; but Father Maurer's name soon became associated with his real love, the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas. In the mid-1950s Armand's teaching at St. Michael's and in the Institute was interrupted, first, by post-doctoral studies in Paris and in Italy. Not long after, his classroom career – and, indeed, much of his public ministry as a priest – was cut short by physical problems with both his larynx and his hearing. But he continued to be an integral, important part of the Institute's fellowship of scholars. He advised or directed the graduate work of numerous students. Just a year ago, they published in his honour a Festschrift containing chapters written by 14 of those former students and colleagues.

Hindered physically from lecturing and preaching, Father Maurer took up writing in earnest. And could he write: one of his former colleagues said that Armand writes like an angel. He published dozens of scholarly articles on many aspects of medieval philosophy, some of which he brought together in a book titled Being and Knowing. The college textbook in medieval philosophy that he wrote in 1962 and revised in 1982 continues, 26 years later, to be used in many undergraduate colleges throughout North America. It has been translated into several languages – just this year into Korean. The four selections from Thomas Aquinas that he translated into English have been among the best-sellers of the Institute's Department of Publications. Among his other books were a monograph on William of Ockham, an edition of Siger of Brabant, and a study of Thomas Aquinas' philosophy of beauty. He translated two of Etienne Gilson's books into English, and – just last year – began to edit six unpublished lectures that Gilson gave at the Institute in the early 1970s. When he learned of a previously unknown lecture that Gilson had given in Montreal, he carefully pondered, even agonized, over whether or not to include it with the others, because he feared that in it Gilson – like Homer – may have been caught nodding. But, in one of my visits to him in hospital last week, even though he had great difficulty in talking, he explained that he wanted that essay to be placed first in the book, explaining that it would make an ideal introduction to the other six lectures. He went on to emphasize that each lecture had an important point to teach. Armand Maurer was philosophizing to the very end.

In a theology course, many years ago, the professor told us that Thomas Aquinas taught that – apart from the certitude of the loving embrace of God – we should not try to speculate too much about what heaven is like. He allowed, if I remember correctly, that it was logical to expect to know and love in heaven persons we have known and loved on earth. In our Gospel reading, Jesus said something about heaven to the man without guile, "Truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man." I like to think that Armand has seen the heavens open and, walking among those angels, he saw his parents, his brothers and predeceased sister, his favourite Thomas Aquinas, and his revered Etienne Gilson, and that Armand moved in to walk and to talk with them and with his beloved Lady Philosophy – all under the loving gaze of the risen Son of man.

– James K. Farge, C.S.B.


Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson is an associate professor of Theology at Marquette University, and founded thomistica.net on Squarespace in November of 2004. He studied with James Weisheipl, Leonard Boyle, Walter Principe, and Lawrence Dewan, at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto, Canada).

Armand A. Maurer, CSB (1915-2008)

Reverend Armand Maurer, CSB, died on Saturday, 22 March, 2008 at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Fr Lawrence Dewan passed along the death notice from the Toronto Globe and Mail:

At Mount Sinai Hospital, on Saturday, March 22, 2008. Father Armand Augustine Maurer, C.S.B., son of the late Armand, Sr. and Louise (nee Ribson), brother of Dorothy Maurer and the late Robert, Lorriane, and Richard. After graduating from the University of Toronto in 1938, he entered the Basilian Novitiate in 1940 and made profession of vows on September 12, 1941. He taught English at Aquinas Institute, Rochester N.Y., 1941- 1942 and then returned to Toronto for theology. He was ordained to the priesthood on August 15, 1945 by Archbishop James Charles McGuigan. He completed his doctoral programme at the University of Toronto in 1947 and was sent for post-doctoral studies in Paris. In 1949 Father Maurer was appointed to the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, where he spent the rest of his life engaged in research, publication and teaching. Concurrently he taught philosophy at St. Michaels' College and in the Graduate Department of Philosophy at the University of Toronto. In 1954 he received a Guggenheim Fellowship to pursue research in mediaeval philosophy. In 1966 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He spent two terms teaching at the Basilian Center for Thomistic Studies in the University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX. Father Maurer remained actively engaged in scholarship after retirement. He was a gentle and inspiring presence in his local Basilian community. Friends may call at the Cardinal Flahiff Basilian Centre, 95 St. Joseph Street on Tuesday, March 25, 2008 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Prayer vigil at 7:30 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Wednesday, March 26, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. at the Cardinal Flahiff Basilian Centre. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.

Fr Maurer was a fixture at PIMS for decades—he marked my paper on motion, which I had written for James Weisheipl's course on Thomas's commentary on Aristotle's Physics, when Fr Weisheipl died in December of 1984. But that was all the opportunity I ever had to study with him. Others were more blessed than I.

His literary output is impressive. And his students, colleagues, and admirers published a book but a few years ago in honor of him. But his name likely entered the consciousness of most English-speaking Thomists as the translator and editor of Thomas's On Being and Essence or his The Division and Methods of the Sciences (from Thomas's scriptum on the De trinitate of Boethius, qq. 5-6), these two being long-time staples in the PIMS publication catalog.

Fr Dewan communicated to me that Fr Maurer was editing Gilson's last Toronto lecture, "three lectures of species." Requiescat in pace.


Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson is an associate professor of Theology at Marquette University, and founded thomistica.net on Squarespace in November of 2004. He studied with James Weisheipl, Leonard Boyle, Walter Principe, and Lawrence Dewan, at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto, Canada).

Summer conference on Aquinas and the Arabs

From Dick Taylor at Marquette University, an announcement of a summer conference: "Aquinas and the Arabs: A Conference on Issues in Medieval Arabic / Islamic & Jewish Philosophy and their Influence on Medieval Philosophy and Theology in the European West." The conference will be held on June 20-21, 2008, on the Marquette University campus (Milwaukee, WI). Papers are welcome on issues in (i) Arabic / Islamic & Jewish Philosophy, (ii) Medieval Latin Philosophy and Theology, and (iii) (particularly) influences and/or parallel philosophical developments. See the conference's website here.


Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson is an associate professor of Theology at Marquette University, and founded thomistica.net on Squarespace in November of 2004. He studied with James Weisheipl, Leonard Boyle, Walter Principe, and Lawrence Dewan, at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto, Canada).

Quaracchi books, cheap!

Just in, from the Frati editori di Quaracchi:

I Frati Editori di Quaracchi hanno lanciato una vendita promozionale di sconto 50% su tutte le opere inserite nel sito a l’occasione del trasferimento a Roma.

I wrote about the Quaracchi web site a year or so ago. It’s where to go to find the writings of St. Bonaventure, the Summa fratris Alexandri, the Vatican edition of the works of Scotus, and other franciscana. If you want the discount, go to http://www.fratiquaracchi.it.

Best wishes to i Frati as they move to Rome (or, at least, the books move!).

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Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson is an associate professor of Theology at Marquette University, and founded thomistica.net on Squarespace in November of 2004. He studied with James Weisheipl, Leonard Boyle, Walter Principe, and Lawrence Dewan, at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto, Canada).

Last fall’s SIEPM conference line-up

This is so late it's almost silly to mention it. The SIEPM's world congress last fall sported a wide range of fascinating papers, so, even long after the fact, the list of papers given at the congress is an education in itself on the current state of the study of medieval philosophy (PDF).


Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson is an associate professor of Theology at Marquette University, and founded thomistica.net on Squarespace in November of 2004. He studied with James Weisheipl, Leonard Boyle, Walter Principe, and Lawrence Dewan, at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto, Canada).

Fear in Heaven?

Gary Culpepper of the Department of Theology at Providence College (Rhode Island) sent me the following inquiry:

Does anyone know of any significant research into ST II-II, 19, 11, utrum timor remaneat in patria? Or any allied research into medieval inquires into religious fear, whether in Jesus or the saint who is on the road to wisdom?

E-mail any responses or ideas to Gary directly.


Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson is an associate professor of Theology at Marquette University, and founded thomistica.net on Squarespace in November of 2004. He studied with James Weisheipl, Leonard Boyle, Walter Principe, and Lawrence Dewan, at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto, Canada).