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Lawrence Dewan, OP (1932–2015)

Fr Dewan has died. This morning, as my seminar on St Thomas had a break, and just as we were treating of Prima pars, q. 3, a. 4—is this providential, or what?—I received the following e-mail from Fr. Maxime Allard, OP, president of the Dominican University in Ottawa:

Good morning,
I bear the news of Father Dewan’s death, yesterday afternoon.
We will be celebrating his funeral Saturday Feb 21st at 10:30 in Ottawa and, in his honor, organize a conference next fall on his thought!

In the mean time, you can join us in prayer and rejoice that he finally sees the God he so faithfully and intelligently served all his life!
Maxime Allard, OP

We knew that this day would come once we learned that Fr Dewan's health was faltering, and that he was stricken with pancreatic cancer. But his death hurts nonetheless, and while I should be simply grateful for all that he has been to all of us in the Thomistic community, I'm going to allow myself a few days simply to pout.

More information will be posted, as it becomes available. Please keep him in your prayers.