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First 14 volumes of <i>Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge</i>available online

In 1926 Étienne Gilson and Gabriel Théry, OP, founded the Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge, a journal dedicated to the academic study of medieval thought. You can now access (for free) the complete text of the first 14 volumes (1926-1945) online at Gallica (a digital text archive of the Bibliothèque National de France). Although the plan, I think, was to publish one volume per year, this did not always happen. So, for instance, there is only one volume for 1935-1936.

Here is the table of contents for the first volume of 1926:

Ét. Gilson .... Pourquoi saint Thomas a critiqué saint Augustin .... 5

E. Longpré .... Thomas d'York et Matthieu d'Aquasparta .... 129

G. Théry .... Edition critique des pièces relatives au procès d'Eckhart contenues dans le manuscrit 33 b de la bibliothèque de Soest .... 269

M. D. Roland-Gosselin .... Sur la rédaction par Albert le Grand de sa dispute contre Averroès De Unitate intellectus et Summa theologiae, II, Tr. XIII, Q. 77, m. 3 .... 309

You can find a convenient list of the tables of contents for all the volumes (except 1929) here. I could be wrong but I believe that Gilson's article in the first volume ("Pourquoi saint Thomas a critiqué saint Augustin") is where he first uses the genial term "l'augustinisme avicennisant," i.e., "Avicennizing Augustinianism." On this same theme there is also in the 1929 volume his article "Les sources gréco-arabes del'Augustinisme avicennisant."