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William A. Wallace, O.P. on the Philosophy of Nature

Cruising though the ‘net last evening—where did I start from?—I came across an on-line version of a short course in natural philosophy, taught by one of my Dominican heroes of the River Forest School (though he was never located at River Forest, Illinois), Fr William A. Wallace, OP (also here). The course is affiliated with Ralph McInerny’s International Catholic University. The course exists in six-parts, and constitutes a wonderful overview of Thomistic natural philosophy (based on Aristotle), as well as the other elements of philosophy in a Thomistic worldview. A good way to get “up and running.”

You can also see Fr Wallace himself read through the opening lecture on YouTube:

A follow-up of sorts. You can see a two-part interview with Fr Wallace on the Dominican Order and the Intellectual Life, dating from 1982, which has much of Fr Wallace’s own life-experience (part 1 / part 2).