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Gentium font is updated and is now open-licensed

If you are a user of the Gentium font, you’ll be pleased to know that it has just been updated again (the third time), and is now open-licensed. Here is what they say:

We’re thrilled to announce that we have re-released Gentium under a free/open-source license - the SIL Open Font License (OFL). This will give much greater freedom to everyone using the fonts, and allow for easier inclusion in free, open-source and commercial software packages.

The only changes we’ve made in addition to the licensing change were a couple of bug fixes releated to PostScript glyph names and to the reported italic angle.

All of this can be found at

We know that many of you have been waiting for eons for Bold and Bold Italic, more ancient Greek letters (like the digamma), etc. We have been working on these (very sporadically) over the last couple of years, but they’re not ready yet. We hope to have a greatly improved set of Regular and Italic out mid next year, and then work on completing the additional weights.

In the meantime, if the lack of one letter is hindering you, the OFL now gives you the freedom to change the fonts, and even distribute modified versions - with some conditions. We also warmly welcome your submissions of work to be included in the main Gentium project. See the Status page on the web site for details.

I don’t use this font on my system, although everyone I know of who does biblical Greek does, so you might want to check it out. The price is right…