L’Arca di san Domenico
The tomb of St Dominic (“L’Arca di san Domenico”) was sculpted first by Nicola Pisano (around 1267), showing scenes from the life of St. Dominic. In this panel, Dominic is having a vision of Ss. Peter and Paul, who commanded him to “Go out and preach.” Dominic took this as a command to disperse the Brethren of the Order throughout the world (according to Constantine of Orvieto’s life of Dominic). It is possible that St Thomas would have seen these panels.

Dominic's Reliquary
Behind (and under) Dominic’s tomb is this golden reliquary, which contains Dominic’s skull.

Front of the tomb
The straight-on view of the tomb, with another of the panels sculpted by Nicola Pisano, showing the cure and conversion of Reginald of Orleans (on the left) and Innocent III’s dream about St Dominic and how his order would save the Church.

Colonnades in Bologna
The center of Bologna is effectively one large cloister, with colonnades threading throughout the city. Here is a shot of one such colonnade, near San Domenico.

I am soooooo trading in my Hummer to get this little car!

San Domenico from the front
This is San Domenico, taken from directly in front. It is far to say that this church underwent dozens of alterations throughout its history (built, added to, suppressed, reacquired, restored, bombed, restored, restored). Poor thing.

San Domenico at night
San Domenico at night. Darn this slow film! I couldn’t find any film faster than 100 ASA in the tabacchi near San Domenico. Peccato.

San Domenico from the hotel
From atop my hotel in Bologna (a wonderful place called Hotel Touring, just a block away from San Domenico) I could see San Domenico, through a sea of terra cotta rooftops. The picture didn’t turn out very well, but PhotoShop and AutoFX’s AutoEye helped out.

Nevica qui a Bologna?
Going out from my hotel I saw…snow? I hadn’t planned on this.

Inside the cloister at San Domenico
I came over to the cloister at San Domenico to get a tour of the whole place. But it really is snowing.

More of the cloister
More of the cloister. Beautiful green grass.

Another shot from inside the cloister
Another shot from inside the cloister.

Man, it really is snowing.
After my tour I came out and, man, it really was snowing a lot. But I’m sure that the snow will stop in time for my plane departure the next morning…right?

A depth of field picture in the cloister
Oh, well. I may just as well try taking a “depth of field” shot from here inside the now-blanketed cloister. Don’t focus in on the very front, but just behind it. Speed, stop, and click. It came out very nice.

St Dominic, come to my aid
St Dominic, perched on top of that column, takes it all in.

Ugh! Too much of a good thing.
All this %#!&$ snow is going to make me miss my plane back home! (which it did!).