Thomism Conference by Dominican Friars

A conference of the Friars of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) on Thomistic thought today (“Dominicans & the Renewal of Thomism”) was held July 1-5, 2013, at the Thomistic Institute at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. The conference, centered around the theme: “The Doctrine of God, One & Triune,” was well attended, with over 100 friars present from around the world. A list of the main presentations is available online; videos of them are being posted as they become edited.

This gathering is the second of what is hoped will be a triennial event, the next of which has been proposed for Toulouse, France, in 2016. The first such meeting was held in Warsaw, Poland, in 2010 (papers from which have been published as Dominicans and the Challenge of Thomism). Texts from this summer’s conference are to be published as a volume of Nova et Vetera.