Basic bibliography for the Lectura romana from Santiago Argüello

I wanted to post this a while back, but forgot!

Santiago Argüello has been working on some texts from the Lectura romana this past year at PIMS in Toronto, and he kindly send along the following bibliographical notes, listing the basic bibliography for the Lectura:

Biographers of St. Thomas referring the fact

Bernardus Gui , Legenda sancti Thomae Aquinatis, in Angelico F errua , S. Thomae Aquinatis vitae fontes praecipuae, Edizioni Dominicane, Alba, 1968, 127-95: vid. 189.

Ptolomeus de Lucca , Historia ecclesiastica nova, in A. F errua , op. cit., 355-69: vid. 368.

Torrell , Jean-Pierre, Initiation à saint Thomas d’Aquin. Sa personne et son oeuvre, Éditions Universitaires (Fribourg, Suisse) – Éditions du Cerf (Paris), 1993: vid. 66-9 and 210.

Weisheipl , James Athanasius, Friar Thomas d’Aquino. His Life, Thought, and Works, The Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D. C., 1983 (with Corrigenda and Addenda): vid. 216-7 and 359.

Bibliography referring the fact

Bataillon , Louis Jacques, “Bulletin d’histoire des doctrines médiévales. Le treizième siècle: Th omas d’Aquin”, Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques, 73 (1989), 584-604; especially: 590-1.

Biffi , Inos, “Il Co mmento di S. Tommaso alle «Sentenze» di Pietro Lombardo”, Sacra Doctrina, 46,5 (2001), 11-122: repr. of his “Introduzione generale” to italian ed. of the Scriptum (2000).

Dondaine , Antoine, “Autor de secrétaires de saint Thomas”, in Paul Wilpert (ed.) Miscellanea Medievalia, Band 2: “Die Metaphysik im Mittelalter”, Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, 1963, 745-54. ————- This is the first time in which is announced the existence of the texts in the margins of the Ms. Lincoln College.

——. “ Hayen A. S. Thomas a-t-il édité deux fois son Commentaire sur le livre des Sentences. – Rech. théol. anc. et méd. IX (1937), pp. 219-236”, Bulletin Thomiste, 6 (Anées XVII-XIX: 1940-2), 100-8.

Hayen, A., “S. Thomas a-t-il édité deux fois son Commentaire sur le livre des Sentences?”, Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, 9 (1937), 219-236.

Mandonnet, Pierre, Des écrits authentiques de saint Thomas d’Aquin, Imprimerie de l’oeuvre de Saint-Paul, Fribourg (Suisse), 1910 (2 e éd. Revue et corrigée).

Merriell, Juvenal, To the Image of the Trinity. A Study in the Development of Aquinas’ Teaching, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, 1990.

Motte, A.-R., “ Dondaine , A., O. P. Saint Thomas a-t-il disputé à Rome la question des «Attributs Divins»? (I Sent., d. 2, q. 1, a. 3). – Notes et Comm. du Bull. Thom., I (1931-33), pp. 171*-182*”, Bulletin Thomiste, 4 (Anées XI-XIII: 1934-6), 135-6.

Ramírez, Santiago, “Introducción general” a Santo Tomás de Aquino , Suma teológica, B.A.C., Madrid, 1947, 1*-237*: vid. 33* and 183*-4*.

Torrell , J.-P., “Introduction” to Boyle , L.E., Facing History…, especially xviii-xxiv.

Vansteenkiste, P. Clemente, “ Boyle , Leonard E., A.P., «Alia lectura fratris thome» . MSt 1983 (45) 418-429”, Rassegna di Letteratura Tomistica (Nuova serie del «Bulletin Thomiste» - Vol. XXXI), 19 (1986: letteratura dell’anno 1983), p. 40, n. 73.

“ Boyle , Leonard E., The setting of the Summa Theologiae of Saint Thomas . (The Etienne Gilson series, 5). Toronto Pontif. Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1982”, Rassegna di Letteratura Tomistica (Nuova serie del «Bulletin Thomiste» - Vol. XXX), 18 (1985: letteratura dell’anno 1982), 45-6.

“Dondaine , H.-F., Alia lectura fratris Thome? (Super 1 Sent.)”. MSt 1980 (42) 308-336.

Thanks for your help, Santiago.


Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson is an associate professor of Theology at Marquette University, and founded on Squarespace in November of 2004. He studied with James Weisheipl, Leonard Boyle, Walter Principe, and Lawrence Dewan, at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies (Toronto, Canada).