Philosophy posting at Wyoming Catholic College
The people at the Wyoming Catholic College have a philosophy posting for this coming fall:
Wyoming Catholic College seeks to hire a full-time professor of Philosophy, to start teaching September 2009. The applicant shall be knowledgeable in the philosophia perennis or classical philosophical tradition as embodied particularly in the works of Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, and St. Thomas Aquinas. He or she will be capable of teaching the full range of philosophy courses offered at the College, ranging from natural philosophy and metaphysics to ethics and politics (see Catalog, pp. 67-71), and ideally in possession of a doctorate in philosophy. Because of the College's integrated academic curriculum, the applicant should also be conversant with a wide variety of humanistic and theological texts. A candidate who demonstrates aptitude for teaching in disciplines other than philosophy (e.g., science, theology) would be considered as a teacher for those areas as well.
The rest of the advertisement can be found here.
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