
View Original (a web site devoted to Aquinas)

It’s amazing what you’ll find when you hunt around websites that Ralph McInerny of Notre Dame has a role in. In looking through the website for the Jacques Maritain Center at Notre Dame, I discovered that there is an international web site on Thomas’s legal theory, which describes itself as follows:

Thomas International aims at reigniting the classical tradition of philosophy and theology – which is the cultural root of Western civilization – by promoting international scholarship focused especially (though not exclusively) on the thought of Thomas Aquinas. This commitment is not of merely historical interest, but is meant to promote engagement between classical thought and modern and contemporary thought, in all branches of human knowledge, in order to confront the perennial questions of the human heart and to seek solutions to the problems facing our society.

Thomas International is especially committed to promoting a new International University with the main campus in the United States, which will subsequently become the new center for its broad cultural enterprise.

Thomas International fulfills its mission through the joint activity of various Research Institutes, and through scientific collaboration with other universities and educational institutions.

There are also many links, especially to sites in Italy, that touch upon Aquinas.